Frequently Asked Questions

Students from grade 4 through 11 are eligible, excluding examination classes. Children of ZSB officials and employees are not eligible for transparency purposes.

The main objectives include improving literacy and academic excellence, encouraging reading culture through literacy clubs, celebrating Zambian cultural diversity, developing self-esteem and confidence in learners, helping learners thrive under pressure, and promoting community-based partnerships.

Benefits include:
- Learning grammar, including word definitions, pronunciation, and roots
- Enhancing vocabulary
- Developing cognitive skills and ability to handle pressure
- Building confidence and public speaking skills


Organizations can sponsor at different levels:
- Platinum Sponsor: $10,000 or more
- Gold Sponsor: $5,000 to $9,999
- Silver Sponsor: $2,500 to $4,999
- Bronze Sponsor: $1,000 to $2,499
- Supporting Sponsor: $500 to $999
- In-Kind Sponsor: Value-based contributions